Digital Signage: Is Bigger Always Better?

We are a nation of big screen TVs, supersized fries, and cell phones that are almost the size of our tablets. Zoom in on the culture of our home state where "Everything's bigger in Texas" is a motto shouted with pride from the rooftops and you'll soon realize that, yes, bigger is always better...for most people.
Bigger is typically associated with more. A bigger house means more space; a bigger bed means more room to sprawl; a bigger TV means more viewing pleasure; a bigger pitcher means more beer; bigger tires on that truck mean more height, and the list goes on and on.
How about when bigger isn't better, though. I'll take jump drives, carryon luggage, vitamins, travel cameras and kidney stones in Size Small please.
When it comes to digital signage the answer isn't so obvious. While the look of a large display would suit a pub or sports bar, it might create a cluttered, unattractive environment for a small or medium sized retail space. Installing a digital display should lead to increased profits, time saving, and enhanced customer experiences – all things to look forward to, but not without considering the very important issue of size. There are several important things to mull over before deciding on your digital signage measurements.
One is budget. Large displays are beautiful and appealing, but the spending restrictions that might keep you from the large display of your dreams might also keep you from seeing a negative bank balance. Bigger isn't better when bigger signage means a smaller number on that bank statement. Stick to your budget and don't let a salesperson convince you to purchase something you cannot afford.
You should also consider the purpose and location of your signage. What is the goal for your signage from a decorative standpoint? Is your display meant to be a focal point? An art platform? A communications system? Large displays are perfect for stand-alone signage meant for decorating or communicating important messages about sales and promotions from a far distance, for instance, whereas smaller displays are excellent for close-up way-finding signage, low interactive screens, small spaces, and any area where the digital display is not meant to be the focal point. Ask yourself if a big display will achieve something a smaller one won't. Is it easily visible? Can consumers walk up to it? Unless the signage is difficult to see from a distance you might realize size isn't important to you after all.
Always remember content is king. A large displays provides the "wow" factor, so what it might lack in content one day it makes up in aesthetics. Small signage, while appealing in its own right, might not impress the way large signage would, so create content that will inform, dazzle and leave a lasting impression on your customers!