How to Engage Your Digital Signage Audience
Welcome to the fourth installment of our Blog Series on making the most of your digital signage!
Having a killer display installed is only the beginning of your digital signage journey. How much good can a fantastic display do if it lacks viewership and engagement? Not much, my friend.
If you aren't already, follow these 5 essential guidelines for keeping your digital signage audience interested and engaged.

1. Interaction. The most effective way to grab an audience's attention is to interact with them. Customized messages, point-of-sale advertising and discount and rewards programs are great ways to peek your audience's interest. Involve viewers by inviting them to enter contests via text or social media. Hold drawings and competitions, and never forget to follow up with the winners by sending them a prize - no excuse not to; even a $5 gift card is better than nothing. That will ensure a positive reputation with those who plan on entering in future contests.
2. Attractive Visuals. We've all heard the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover," but when it comes to digital signage first impressions are everything. The 'cover' might be all consumers see. Few people will take the time to explore the content behind an unattractive design. Be eye-catching, colorful and engaging. Put yourself in consumers' shoes. Would you take the time to look at your display if it were in another business owner's retail space? Be honest with yourself, and take time to test different colors and images.
3. Keeping it Fresh. A digital display is a tool like no other. It's your menu, your directory, your advertising outlet, your emergency alert system, your communication channel, and so many other things. You've got a world of content to upload, and there is no reason why you shouldn't be updating it as the day progresses. Be sure to change the menu if your restaurant serves different foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Get your business on Twitter and keep the feed rolling. Change the images on your display regularly if possible. Have current events streaming. Whatever you do, don’t forget you have an audience. Change things up for them!
4. Be Relevant. This depends highly on what your goal is. Whether you wish to advertise and promote, educate, or simply create a fun, interactive experience, uploading relevant content is crucial to engagement. If you want to do all of the above, determine the best times for each. Current events might be best displayed in the morning, for instance, when people usually get their dosage of news. Fun, interactive sharing might be disseminated at lunchtime or after dinner when consumers are more relaxed and willing to take a moment to like you on Facebook, follow you on Twitter, or participate in your contests and drawings.
5. Motion. While static images are common and effective, they don't add the same "umpf" and pazazz their more exciting counterparts add. With that in mind, you must also realize that motion is not always necessary; too much visual clutter can overwhelm and confuse viewers. Use motion to grab attention, but be sure to keep the most important message static. This way you capture your audience with movement that leads to your main message. Think of movement as the make-up of your digital content; just a little something to draw attention to your display's best features!